
Buy American Act & Build America, Buy America Act

By Marcel Ferrere

Since 1959, our team has manufactured fans in sunny Jacksonville, FL. While our brand name and building have changed over the years, one thing has remained the same, our emphasis on supporting domestic manufacturing practices.

S&P USA is proud to meet the requirements of the 2009 Buy American Act and the recently enacted Build America, Buy America Act, part of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act.


The Build America, Buy America Act states that funds for a Federal financial assistance program for infrastructure will only be made available for projects that utilize iron, steel, manufactured products, and construction materials produced in the United States. The Buy American Act is the primary law requiring the federal government to prefer domestic goods and manufactured products when making purchasing decisions.

At S&P USA, all steel and aluminum that is purchased for the manufacture of our fan housings originate from US metal manufacturers. This means that over 45 of our fan models meet the requirements of Buy American and Build America, Buy America.

A few of our qualifying models include: 

usa-iconFor more information on which S&P USA models meet the Buy American and Build America, Buy America requirements, head to and look for the American Flag on our product pages. We also encourage you to download our certification letter, here.

Tags: Commercial, Residential, Company