
Slow but Mighty | High Volume Low Speed Fans

By Jim Webster

Look up at any warehouses, brewery, or fitness center and you’ll notice an oversized fan with massive blades. These are High Volume Low-Speed fans. This type of fan was invented for agricultural applications by William Fairbank, a professor, and Walter Boyd, in the 1990s. The majority of the research on the fan itself was centered around this application.


A High Volume Low-Speed Fan is a ceiling fan greater than 7 feet in diameter. The fan is generally mounted to the ceiling but in some instances, it is pole mounted. It operates slowly and distributes large amounts of air at a low rotational speed. S&P has recently released two HVLS fans for your needs. The Tornado HVLS is a 5-blade High Volume Low-Speed fan with a span of 24 Feet. The Tempest HVLS is a 6-blade High Volume Low-Speed Fan with a span of 16 feet.


How does it work?

In the warm months, HVLS fans provided a column of cool moving air that breaks up the sweaty layer of the body and accelerates evaporation to produce a cooling effect. The air moves down and out along the floor to better dissipate the airflow. With the airfoil technology found on the Tornado and Tempest HVLS Fan Series, the rate of directed flow is even greater.

In cool months, HVLS fans dissipate heated air throughout a space. Naturally, warm air rises to the top in a process called convection. If there is no movement to the air, layers of temperature will form with the coldest being closest to the floor and the warmest closest to the roof, in a process called stratification. When an HVLS fan is turned on, the fan will slowly mix the air adjusting the temperature of the room, saving money through energy efficiency.

Six Reasons to use Tempest and Tornado High Volume Low-Speed fans

  1. Help reduce temperatures by 7°F to 11°F
  2. Can cover an area of up to 22,000 square feet
  3. Costs just pennies to operate
  4. Lowers summer energy consumption by at least 20%
  5. Reduces winter energy consumption by up to 30%
  6. Can replace up to 20-floor fans or smaller ceiling fans


As we learned, High Volume Low Speed (HVLS) fans are great year-round for helping all occupants stay comfortable through cooling and warming. With this convenient aspect, HVLS fan seamless fit in warehouses, manufacturing plants, automotive, equestrian, agricultural centers, fitness, and aviation.

Why should you pick an HVLS fan over other models? Check out our six reasons why below.

  1. To tackle the challenge of tall storage racks and other major obstructions that interrupt the circulation of airflow
  2. When you want to feel cool and look cool (gyms, CrossFit training facility, etc.)
  3. When you want silent gentle airflows for comfort while blending into any setting.
  4. It’s a proven fact that a cool cow produces milk production. Cattle cooled with fans and sprinklers respond better to heat stress, produce more milk, and have healthier mammary glands. 1
  5. Any elegant showroom, lobby, or display areas where gentle airflows are required to enhance the customer experience.


Learn more about the S&P Tornado and Tempest HVLS Fan Series today!

Tags: Commercial