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3 Reasons Airports Need Proper Ventilation

As the world begins to reopen it is important to think of the ventilation in the biggest hubs of the world: Airports. In 2019,...

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Tags: Commercial

Let’s Learn: What is a Bearing?

Bearings are an essential part of fans at S&P USA that keep a fan at its optimal performance. In this blog, we will learn more...

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Tags: Commercial

Build your Tool Box with Resources from S&P USA!

At S&P USA, we’re here to help you be successful with S&P products and the HVAC industry. If you landed on our blog, that’s the...

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Tags: Resources, How-To

Working Behind the Scenes with Judi McCoy

If you’ve ever called S&P USA and reached a lady with a sweet southern twang, you’ve most likely reached our Administrative...

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Tags: Company

Hurricane Season is coming. Are you prepared?

As a company based out of Florida, June through November means having your hurricane supplies handy. From water and...

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Tags: Commercial

Hugo Kurona: Export Manager
By Becca Lucio On February 5, 2021

Hugo Kurona: Export Manager

We are pleased to announce Hugo Kurona's promotion to Export Manager. His primary role is developing new markets, giving...

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Tags: Company

DEDPV: the right choice for your dryer booster needs

As we learned in part 1 of our two part blog series, the PV-DEDPV, Dryer Exhaust Duct Power Ventilator, is an important addition...

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Tags: Residential

All-in-One reFresh Units still bringing in the fresh air in 2021

In 2018 S&P released the reFresh All-in-One series with its sleek, compact design and energy-efficient motor to improve...

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Tags: Residential, Company

3 Facts you should know about Radon

Radon is a colorless, odorless natural gas that is a part of your life-no matter where you're located. Check out our three facts...

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Tags: Residential

Protect Homes Today
By S&P Marketing On November 17, 2020

Protect Homes Today

Introducing the newest addition to our line of Dryer Booster Products: PV-DEDPV, Dryer Exhaust Duct Power Ventilator. This unit...

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Tags: Residential

Installing your Premium CHOICE Module in THREE easy Steps!

Soler & Palau Premium CHOICE Fans offer an easy solution for bathroom ventilation. With 5 different models to choose from, these...

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Tags: Residential, How-To

First Coast Manufacturers Association Regional Manufacturing Awards

S&P USA received the 2020First Coast Manufacturers Association(FCMA) Regional Manufacturing Awards, runner-up Outstanding...

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Tags: Company

Five Reasons Restaurant Ventilation is Important

Your neighborhood Chick-Fil-A and the Michelin Restaurant in a big city have something in common: the need for proper...

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Tags: Commercial

Warehouse and Distribution Centers: Booming In the New Normal

Do you find yourself buying everything from apples to school supplies online these days? You’re not alone. With the growth of...

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Tags: Commercial

Top 5 Reasons People are Choosing Mixed-Use Buildings

Mixed-Use Buildings are having a moment, and it doesn’t look like that moment is ending any time soon. 62% of Millennials, 45% of...

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Tags: Commercial, Residential

Poeu Yan - S&P’s Jack of All Trades

When you go over to our assembly line, you can pick out Poeu Yan easily. She is always smiling, even behind her mask these days....

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Tags: Company

Responsibility Begins with Him

If you were to head to our Westside Industrial Warehouse in Jacksonville, Florida and peek in Gevon Campbell’s office, it’s very...

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Tags: Company

Poor Ventilation Leads to Stuffy Rooms : Increase your IAQ in 3 Steps

As the temperature increases, it’s time to think about how you’re going to keep your home comfortable and healthy throughout the...

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Tags: Residential

Nobody has FAITH in our Support Services like we do!

If you’ve ever called in S&P’s Support Services department, one of the ladies you may have spoken to is Faith Gray-Washington,...

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Tags: Company

Jet Fan Applications
By Becca Lucio On March 13, 2020

Jet Fan Applications

Now that we’ve covered the basics of Jet Fans in our first blog,What is a Jet Fan? It’s time to get a better understanding of...

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Tags: Commercial

What is a Jet Fan?
By Becca Lucio On February 24, 2020

What is a Jet Fan?

If you’re anything like our team when we first learned about Jet Fans, you begin googling with very little success. Despite our...

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Tags: Commercial

45 Years of Fans: Profile on Jim Webster

Jim Webster started at Stanley Industrial as a lead welder in 1975, and today represents S&P USA as the National Commercial Sales...

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Tags: Company

Bathroom Size Matters
By Becca Lucio On September 16, 2019

Bathroom Size Matters

Properly sizing your fan is important to ensure that proper ventilation is used for your bathroom. Are you experience a buildup...

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Tags: Residential

86.9% Indoors: Why Indoor Air Quality Matters

Before we start, we’re going to take it back to school and require a little math. Don’t worry, it’s pretty simple but an...

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Tags: Commercial, Residential, How-To

Why is Radon Mitigation Important

Why Radon must be mitigated

Radon is a hazardous, odorless, radioactive gas that is everywhere. You cannot see, taste or smell...

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Tags: Residential